Friday, August 21, 2009

Show & Tell

Show and tell was one of my favorite times in elementary school and it is still one of my favorite things to do when I get together with my friends and family. So, I'm starting a Friday Show and Tell on the blog to share some of my work, past and present.
(click on photo to see larger view)
It is hard to tell from the large shot but this is a full size quilt with 56 photos in the design. I designed this for my boss's daughter for Christmas. The photos are some of her favorites, which I scanned and resized to fit into the piece. Blue is her favorite color. These closeups give you a little better idea of how the quilt looks up close.

The photos are printed onto cotton fabric and are colorfast. The rest of the quilt is cotton, including the batting. The backing fabric has pictures of dogs, she loves animals. I really enjoy custom work because it is creative with a purpose, an audience. And people are usually so delighted with these photo quilts. You can visit my website to see some options for custom quilts for yourself or a loved one.

Wire Wrapped Pendants - my second show & tell

I love wire wrapping and taught the class at A2Z Beads on 43rd Ave & Thunderbird for about 3 years until school got the best of my time. But I still create pendants for gifts and for sale. Some of these are not great shots but will give you an idea of what I like to do.

These are all cabochons, L to R Jasper, labrodorite, rhyiolite, malachite. And my favorite, a purple agate slice. All are wrapped in 22 guage sterline silver square wire and some as you can see have beads added for 'flavor'. I have a pile of them ready to be wrapped and am going to dive into it this weekend. I think I'm finally going to open an Etsy shop.

Today's last show & tell is different. I love to help others with fundraisers and such and when I was invited to paint a bowling pin for a bowling event that raises money to benefit childcare age children here in Arizona, it was an easy yes. Hmmmm. a bowling pin, I finally settled on a sunset and cactus and here are some shots of the full, all around the bowling pin.

I have never painted a bowling pin in my life but it actually looks kinda cool and it was for a good cause.

I think this will be a regular Friday thing. If you have requests of types of things you'd like to see on the blog, please let me know. Comments always welcome and appreciated.

Saturdays might become 'Sharing my writing' Day. The could be called poems or passages and are about life things, some light, some not. Saturday's will be about Hell. So please check back and see what you think. Enjoy your Friday, and your weekend.


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