Friday, September 30, 2011

Promise and Gratitude


All that life holds

In the bud of a rose.

Sometimes I forget to take a few moments to be thankful. Thankful for the beauty that surrounds us. Thankful for the ability I have to know when to jump in and when to step away; this serves me well.
Thankful for my friends and family because they bring joy and a special kind of light to my life.
Thankful that even in the face of uncertainty, it is possible for me to stay out of the panic-zone and remain in the creative zone where thinking happens and possibilities can be explored.

Since being laid off, I am thankful even for that, because it has given me the freedom to think about and choose where I want to spend my time. Freedom to look at making money doing the things that make me happy and make a difference, in some small way, to others. I am grateful to be such a blessed individual.

What are you grateful for? Please leave them in the comments. It is hard to be sad, mad and down when you let yourself consider the things you are thankful for. Try it.

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