Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mixed Media Success

Painted Paper Towel

Painted Paper Towel

I love teaching and had a blast facilitating learning for the students in my technique class on Saturday! We were exploring Mixed Media Techniques for Fabric and we had a blast. I had four and a half students. I say half because one student had to leave early. 

I have taken and taught classes where the students are required to keep to essentially the same pace in order to complete a specific product by the end. This was not that kind of class. My interest was in sharing techniques that the students could explore and make their own so they could use them in their own work. I believe we accomplished just that.

We were able to explore several techniques and it was really fun to observe each of them taking those techniques in their own personal direction. Same materials + varying thoughts and approaches = very interesting and inspiring results. See for yourself.
Painted Paper Towel

Painted Paper Bag

I planted seeds and let them go. And go they did.

Pumice Gel on Fabric

Pumice Gel & Glass Bead Gel on Paper - the photo
does not do it justice. Glass Bead Gel is gorgeous
as it catches the light.

Clear Tar Gel, Lumiere, inks on fabric

On this fabric, Molding Paste,
Pumice Gel, Clear Tar Gel,
Metal sheet stamped & colored
with alcohol inks
The most fascinating, frightening, and fun part of this as the teacher was pushing aside the desire to move people along and allowing them the time to explore and discover.

Metals, Mica, Candy Wrappers created by Joan

Metal sheet, paper, mica piece,
mica washers, created by Quinn

Read about Quinn's class experience on her blog post of 9-26-10.

Painted Misty Fuse, metal pieces,
feathers, leaf on fabric
Painted Misty Fuse, feathers gold leaf,
on paper
There were many more samples they created for themselves and a binder to hold everything in for future inspiration. I cannot wait to do this again.

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